Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tagged by Dani

Rules : Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer.

P/s: have fun!

1. I am


2. I really want to go to


3. My favorite place

Saw it? Haha.

4. My favorite things

Beat it !!!

5. My favorite drinks

It's free of charge!

6. My favorite foods

Fast food kills, but i still like it.

7. My favorite colors

Any colour can be.

8. I was born in


9. I live in

Some where i belong.

10. My school

MMU - Money Making University

11. My favorite story

Everything inside my dream.

12. My hobby

Will my hobby be inside here?

13. I wish I am

Happy always!

I'm tagging:

Those who read this!

Have a nice day~


瑜颖 said...

i like ur school and ur fave things...haha

kimirockz said...

its so true rite?